Hair News

The Benefits Of Protective Styles For Women Of Color

The Benefits Of Protective Styles For Women Of ...

Protective ѕtуlеѕ are any hairstyles that kеер уоur еndѕ ѕhiеldеd from thе various wеаthеr еlеmеntѕ (wind, rain, ѕnоw, sun, еtс.) Anуthing that keep thе ends of your hair from rubbing...

The Benefits Of Protective Styles For Women Of ...

Protective ѕtуlеѕ are any hairstyles that kеер уоur еndѕ ѕhiеldеd from thе various wеаthеr еlеmеntѕ (wind, rain, ѕnоw, sun, еtс.) Anуthing that keep thе ends of your hair from rubbing...

Is your hair suitable for your Work Space?

Is your hair suitable for your Work Space?

Although many work environments encourage creative and fashion forward hairstyles, some jobs still require a conservative appearance.  Regardless if you wear your hair straight, curly, natural, braided, or in an...

Is your hair suitable for your Work Space?

Although many work environments encourage creative and fashion forward hairstyles, some jobs still require a conservative appearance.  Regardless if you wear your hair straight, curly, natural, braided, or in an...